OWISC’s 10-month certified high-quality structured programmes across various sports, coaches students to look at sports as a career option. The centre’s world-class facilities boast full-length basketball courts, tennis courts, a football field and centres for gymnastics, martial arts, chess, athletics, skating and yoga, each run by qualified and highly experienced coaches. OWISC offers students a platform to perform in competitive events at the inter-club, district, state and national level to increase their exposure. Sporting accolades enhance a student’s overall profile and add a plus point for college and university admissions.

Over the years, thousands of boys and girls have discovered their passion and learnt the importance of teamwork, collaboration, perseverance, accepting failure and moving ahead stronger, through practice. Students develop concentration, discipline, analytical problem-solving skills, boosting their self-esteem and confidence.

Football Coaching
This high-intensity sport keeps children fit with the benefits of aerobic and strength exercises. It instils teamwork and discipline and also helps improve their strength, stamina, concentration, resilience, and decision-making skills.
OWISC offers an exciting basketball programme for kids ages 6-18 years, with regular tournament practice at the full-length basketball court and several opportunities to play in tournaments. Children learn teamwork, develop heightened alertness and the ability to think quickly, that help them excel both on and off the court.
Designed for 3 to 12 year olds, classes are conducted by our certified coaches in a fully-equipped and safe gymnastics facility with state-of-the-art equipment and accessories to train students to compete in professional national level events.
Mixed Martial Arts
OWISC offers one of the most progressive and scientifically designed programmes, best suited and the safest for growing children. By going beyond just self-defence, training in martial arts helps children develop physical and mental strength, focus, self-discipline and self-confidence. Studies have also shown that it even helps improve children’s overall behaviour and grades as they develop sharper concentration – especially for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Classes typically include yoga stretches, practicing skills like kicks, punches, blocks, grappling, as well as equipment training to master fighting skills and develop power.