Bringing international degree programs

to india’s doorstep.

Garodia Education is an educational innovator that constantly fuels its vision to empower communities through its transformational programmes.

Through our unrivalled platform to partner with universities across the globe, we provide Indian students with great opportunities to further their education. We ensure our university partners establish their presence in India, and meet the growing educational aspirations of the youth in our vibrant economy. We have identified specific opportunities in degrees, post graduate work and certificate programmes in the expanding areas of Business, Retail, Media, Music, Sports, Arts, Culinary, and Hospitality, besides other conventional fields.

Benefit from an unrivalled edge.


leadership team and faculty

Our leadership team has a wealth of experience in educational innovation and working internationally. We focus on the recruitment and continued training of talented faculty that benchmark the highest international standards.

Market Assessment

& Feasibility Analysis

We deliver a structured and thoughtful approach to understand the market needs, demand, investment opportunities and potential for overall growth.

World-class facility

We offer state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries with the flexibility to adapt based on needs of further expansion and growth for future programmes.


track record

Garodia International College offers a 2+2 degree pathway program with Broward College, USA providing quality university education with international accreditation in Business Studies, Humanities, Media, and other fields.

Want to deliver world-class education in India?
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